One of my favourite annual reports to read is the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. It’s packed full of insights about the threat landscape and security leaders, in my opinion, should read this report to get a pulse on what’s happening in cyber-scape.
After all, as cyber leaders, we are here to stop breaches – so the insights gained from real cyber incidents and breaches is gold in learning how to tighten up our defences.
Unlike some threat reports which are tilted towards highlighting threats that serve the authors cause, this report looks at analytics from Verizon’s 79,635 incident response calls, 5,258 of which were confirmed breaches, from 88 countries around the world. Its findings give a global view of how cyberattacks affected the threat landscape during 2020 and then deep dives into specific industries and regions to give a more targeted picture.
This report is 115 pages long and I recommend diving into the full document here, but my key highlights were as follows:
Not all industries are created equal. Industries with a greater reliance on technology, greater retention of sensitive data or broader ways to access that data, had greater risk. The larger the attack surface – the more technology, data and people involved – the greater the risk.
It wasn’t a good year for APAC with more breaches in the region than any other. Some of the key trends reported were:
I like to finish with ‘so what…?’. So, what does this mean to me? So, what should I do now?
I’ve always believed that defence in depth, well-rounded security is better than the silver-bullet approach. (Beware of the vendor offering the silver bullet!). The highlights from this report talk to the usual suspects – ransomware, social engineering, phishing, human error leading to accidental data loss. Looking to address these points whilst not first identifying your business-specific risks and weak spots may be premature. By that, I mean where is your sensitive data? What are the weak spots that may allow lateral movement once an attacker gets in? How quickly can I detect a breach, etc. Taking an inside out approach ensures that you are breach-ready regardless of the attack vector.