
Cyber Security Survey 2019 Results

Dane Meah
January 20, 2020


The cyber security industry has come a long way since the days of worms, malware, and ransomware (although these still exist and have evolved).

For many businesses, it’s now recognised that it’s no longer IF they experience a breach but more about WHEN. We’ve seen that reflected in security professional’s attitudes to how they approach cyber attacks. In a recent survey Infotrust ran at the end of 2019* we found that 58% of respondents were confident in their business’ ability to detect successful attacks. However, there were still 33% who were uncertain or pessimistic about their business’ cyber defence capabilities.

The industry has seen the introduction of many privacy legislations in the past decade, intended to protect consumers’ personal data. Specifically, in Australia we had the introduction of the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme in 2018, whereby any business that suffers a data breach is now obliged to notify any persons potentially affected. The majority of Australian organisations have an understanding of this legislation and how it affects them. However, when surveying a set of security professionals Infotrust found 36% of businesses did not have a plan in place as to how they would respond to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) if a breach did occur. So there is a little further to go.


Businesses have shifted focus beyond cyber security technology investments to security services and consulting. Last year IDC identified Managed Security Services as the largest security spend category for businesses in 2019, with global investment reaching more than $21 billion. This was also reflected in our survey results, with 80% of respondents identifying their businesses had engaged in security services such as risk assessments and external penetration testing in the past year.

Infotrust has seen a growing requirement for consulting services from customers who are inundated with changing security standards and have difficulty in maintaining their compliance against other competing projects (see my CSO article here). Whilst there are a plethora of standards for businesses to choose from, half of the respondents identified NIST, ASD Essential 8 and ISO 27001 as their organisation’s guide for their security stance.


Looking forward to 2020, respondents identified the key security challenges that they’d like to overcome. Top of the list (unsurprisingly) was staff education and awareness, closely followed by policies, procedures, and infrastructure. Management education and awareness, along with technology also featured highly in the list.

Although the results have shown that most respondents have taken a layered security approach, deploying technologies such as; Next-Gen AV, Endpoint Detection and Response, Secure Email Gateways, Firewalls, and Multi-Factor Authentication capabilities. It also highlighted that 60% of respondents believe that these technologies have been less than 75% fully deployed and are not capable of delivering all features and functions. Resulting in a loss of ROI on these investments and opening organisations up to potential cyber threats.

Infotrust was founded to help address this very problem. Our mission is to create trusted partnerships with our customers and enable them to realise maximum ROI from their cyber security investments. To find out more about how we do this check out our previous blog post on “Customer Love” here.