
What is Internal Network Penetration Testing? Everything You Need to Know

Cyber Defence Team
October 18, 2024


Any savvy business manager should already be well aware that cyber security  is a critical component of any organisation’s infrastructure these days. One key aspect of maintaining security is through internal network penetration testing. But what is internal network penetration testing, and why is it important?

Understanding internal network penetration testing

Internal network penetration testing (or internal “pentesting”) is a method used by cyber security professionals to simulate cyber security threats within an organisation’s internal network. Unlike , which assesses vulnerabilities from outside threats, internal network penetration testing focuses on identifying and addressing potential security gaps from within, assuming the perspective of an insider threat, or someone who has bypassed the network perimeter defences.

The aim is to detect vulnerabilities that malicious insiders or compromised accounts might exploit, including issues with employee access, poorly configured systems, or outdated software that could leave your organisation exposed.

Why is internal network penetration testing important?

No one wants to consider the idea that there may be bad actors within their own organisation, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. The focus of internal network penetration testing is on improving your internal network security posture – here are several reasons why it’s critical:

  • Identify Weaknesses Before Hackers Do: An internal threat could be just as damaging as an external one. Testing reveals potential security gaps that could be exploited by rogue employees or hackers who’ve infiltrated your system.
  • Compliance: Many industries require regular internal security audits to comply with regulatory standards. Internal penetration testing helps you meet these requirements.
  • Mitigate Insider Threats: Employees, contractors, or other insiders with access to your network can unintentionally or maliciously cause harm. Internal pentesting allows you to mitigate these risks by addressing gaps they could exploit.
  • Prevent Data Breaches: Data breaches can have serious consequences for any business. Internal penetration testing helps identify and patch vulnerabilities before they result in the loss of sensitive data.

Infotrust’s internal network penetration testing process

At Infotrust, our process generally follows these steps:

  • Planning and Reconnaissance: In this phase, the testing team works closely with your organisation to understand the internal systems and network environment. They gather details about your infrastructure, such as network architecture, user privileges, and existing security measures.
  • Exploitation: Next, the cyber security experts simulate various attacks from an insider’s perspective, trying to exploit weak spots in your network, such as unpatched systems or insecure user accounts.
  • Reporting and Remediation: After completing the tests, a detailed report is provided, outlining all the vulnerabilities found and the severity of each. This is followed by practical recommendations to resolve the issues and improve internal security.

Why come to Infotrust for your internal network penetration testing needs?

At Infotrust, we pride ourselves on our expertise in internal network penetration testing and cyber security solutions. Our skilled team of cyber security professionals uses industry-leading techniques to identify hidden vulnerabilities and protect your organisation from threats, both internal and external. With years of experience and a proven track record, we ensure that your network remains robust and secure.

Whether you’re looking to comply with industry regulations or safeguard your sensitive data from internal threats, our tailored internal network penetration testing services provide the insights you need to fortify your defences. We also provide top-tier staff awareness training, incident response, and managed SOC solutions for your full peace of mind.

Protect your business today

Don’t leave your internal security to chance – reach out to Infotrust for comprehensive cyber security solutions, including internal network penetration testing. Let us help you stay one step ahead of potential threats and ensure your organisation’s safety.